Pocono Homes And The Communities We Live In

Organizing Your Finances as a College Graduate
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

If you’ve just graduated from college, this is the perfect time to establish smart financial habits. With hopefully a full-time job awaiting, this is the time to establish habits you’ll continue throughout your life.

Where to start? It’s likely you’ve racked up some student loan debt. The good news is that federal student loans come with a grace period after graduation of usually six months. Borrowers don’t have to make payments during this time and can use that time to make sure they have a pa...
Space-Saving Storage Hacks for Your Garage
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

All of us could probably use more storage, and its tempting to turn to your garage when you’re in need. But far too often, once people start using their garage for storage, the less it’s used for its real purpose – storing your vehicles. The last thing you want is to not have enough room to park, so if you’re looking to organize and store items in your garage, you need to develop a plan. Here are some garage storage hacks that will allow you to maximize space while keeping everything in order:

Value-Added Outdoor Improvements
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

As the days get longer and summer makes its debut, it’s time to turn your attention to your outdoor spaces. Whether you are updating your home for a quick sale or just want to choose a project that will contribute to increased equity down the road, it’s important to choose wisely and with an eye on the projects that sell in your local market.

This year, COVID-19 restrictions mean that many camps, country clubs, and community recreation facilities are closed, or are severely limiting their servi...
7 Safety Tips Every Homeowner Should Know
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Like most homeowners, you probably have your water heater strapped down and you flush out the gutters every spring. But there are many other tips that make a big difference in terms of both safety and thriftiness.

The home safety watchdogs at FamilyHandyman.com offer seven tips to start with:

Monitor furnace filters. Clogged furnace filters cost you in both efficiency and higher bills. For peak performance, replace them every 30 – 60 days. Keep track of when you replaced them last by buying sev...
The Difference Between Home Staging and Decorating
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Staging your home for an open house is crucial in adding appeal to buyers. However, many are unaware of the difference between full-on redecorating and simply staging a home to be presentable for showings.

Here is a breakdown of what home staging really means and how you can get your interior ready for the market.



Clean instead of buyThere are many ways to spruce up your interior space without breaking the bank. Make sure to do a thorough cleaning of every surface and room, including base...
The Pros and Cons of Heated Flooring
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

While you might be considering adding heated flooring to your new home, there are a lot of questions to ask before you put your money into this luxury feature. If you’re looking for another level of comfort in your home, it’s a great option—but it does come with a hefty price tag. Here’s what you need to know:


  • Durable and reliable. This method of heating lasts longer than a regular home furnace—with proper care it can last up to 35 years.
Comfortable. There’s no better feeling than a w...
5 Things You Should Know About Your Real Estate Agent
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Choosing a home to buy is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make in your life. That’s why choosing the right real estate professional to work with should be your second biggest decision.
On the surface, it may seem that all real estate agents basically do the same job…but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Just like in all professionals, experience, skills, integrity, professionalism and personality vary greatly from person to person.

 Here are five things you should know about any...
Larry Ditty
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